What a paradoxical world to live in whereby, to accept yourself completely is a radical act! Radical self acceptance is the ‘radical’ idea that you might be complete and ok, just the way you are! Fancy that! Its the revolutionary act of embracing your true nature and the entirety of your human experience and having compassion for the ‘imperfect’ you. It’s the realisation that the person that is reflected back in the mirror is gorgeous and lovable despite all of the flaws.
It is unconditional love.
Self acceptance and alignment

Being comfortable in your own skin is understanding that you are not perfect, and still having patience and compassion for yourself, accepting that you are a work in progress.
Take the pressure off yourself, you are birthing your very own radical metamorphosis, your assignment is alignment.
When your mind, body and spirit are aligned it’s like there is no part of your being that is working against you. There is a collective high five and all parts of yourself work together as a team. The most convoluted subjects become comprehensible. Your path in life seems obvious and is very simple.
When it is from ego it’s complicated, when it’s from spirit, it’s simple.
When you are aligned, your why is bigger than you. It is answering your calling, your reason for being born. When you are aligned everything seemingly comes to you quite effortlessly and almost mysteriously and simultaneously things will drop away from your life.
Alignment can get messy at first

The part of the alignment story when things begin to drop away can be quite alarming at first glance. Rest assured that when you are in service to your higher self, things that drop away from your life are leaving because they no longer serve you. When an aspect of your life has served its purpose, say thank you and let go gracefully. Letting go might look like, leaving your job, or getting fired! It can mean saying goodbye to long standing relationships with friends or lovers. It may include losing possessions such as homes or cars or dropping old beliefs. In my case it even meant losing hair that I had taken pride in growing for over 10 years!
Fill your cup up until it overflows

There’s a subtle difference between being in service to a higher calling and being a martyr. When you are in service, the ways that you serve feel good to your inner being. You are not acting from a place of obligation or duty, you are not enabling the person on the receiving end, you are not serving others with an unconscious or conscious expectation to receive something in return.
There’s no resentment and there’s no expectations from others. There’s no karmic imprint in this type of giving. You are listening to the assignment that comes from your higher self, you listen to its command and you serve from this place, this higher calling. Your reward is the abundance that flows into your life for your service to humanity.
Service to self vs service to others
You listen inwards and you discern between the voice that comes from ego (service to self) and the voice of the higher self (service to others). It’s like walking a tightrope, because there’s a very fine line between service to self and service to others. And what you will find is that service to others involves holding boundaries with others. It involves prioritising yourself, because martyrdom is not service to a higher vibration.
Ego and grounding

The ego is a terrible master but a powerful servant. The goal isn’t to kill the ego, but to tame it. When everything becomes complicated and convoluted, you’re in the grip of the ego and are being called to simplify everything. It’s a universal human condition to judge others, but what we judge in others we judge then suppress within ourselves. I found an interesting take on this which said that when we judge others, we withhold love from ourselves.
When it’s from spirit it’s so simple and it comes naturally to you, it’s like playing a game console with the cheat codes on. It’s easy. When you are self aware you can listen to the wisdom of the multidimensional being that you are. The key is to become attuned to the variety of consciousnesses that dwell within your body, the mind and the spirit, its all you, but now you are giving a voice to the various aspects that make up who you really are. Now you are getting into the realm of emotional intelligence and embodied wisdom.
Where there is judgement, there is a lack of compassion, which is ultimately a lack of love. Discernment is the act of applying the right amount of judgement for a given situation. When you are discerning, you are able to listen to and determine between your lower and higher self.
You are able to listen carefully to the thought-forms that thwart your progress. You will be able to listen to the stories that you have been telling yourself about who and why you are. You are able to stop yourself mid-flow when you continue to tell these stories to others. You are able to see how you have made a belief a fact and then you are able to pivot into a story that flows in a more favourable direction.
When you are guided by your higher self, your confidence will be at an all time high because you will know that you are connected to a universal network of support that is championing and rooting for you.
Observe your thoughts objectively
Listen to your triggers without reacting to them
Ask yourself if you are thinking these thoughts or are they thinking you?
Do not identify with the emotions that come up when you are observing
Do not judge what you observe, show compassion
To live a happier, more aligned, soulful life means tuning out the noise of the outside world. Tuning out the static and the noise that dwells within, that does not serve you. It means becoming so sure of your (higher) self that you can bet on your convictions. When you learn to trust in your higher self and allow your alignment to be your guide, you reach a dangerously empowering level of freedom.