Knowing how to navigate this world as a modern woman is hard! We have learnt through programming, media and advertising, that sex sells! Due to rampant feminine energy misuse, our divine feminine energy is needed more than ever.
Objectification leaves girls susceptible to believing their value is inextricably linked to their sexual attraction. This shapes a negative view of personal identity and sets the stage for exploitation.
The female form and our sexuality is very desirable and modern women have become skilled at capitalising on the high regard society has placed on female sexuality.
The problem arises when this pulls us further from our true divine selves!
The sexual revolution has granted women the freedom to express their sexuality, uninhibited by a repressive society. Although there is less shame associated with women’s sexual liberation, many women have been misguided.
Feminine Energy & the Inception of the “Boss Babe”
Feminine Energy & the Inception of the “Boss Babe”
Despite a deliberate attempt to reframe women’s sexuality in a way that makes our sexual expression a statement of feminine empowerment, the sexual differences between men and women remain vast.

In today’s world, women are essentially forced to adopt a masculine demeanour in order to succeed in the corporate world… a world which has historically been controlled by men! This involves projecting an air of authority, independence, and forcefulness. Many times this attitude bleeds into how some women appproach dating!
Many women are fighting the unfair distinctions that are made between the sexuality of men and women. This rebellion is influenced by sex-positive feminism and popularised by media.
Programmes like Sex and the City exhalted the western woman’s casual approach to sex and dating. However for the most part, this disconnected approach to love and sex is misguided.
In the end, men and women are not the same, even though both genders are deserving of respect and decency!
Divine Feminine Energy & Inner work
A woman that is in touch with her essence is connected to the wisdom of her heart. Guided by the divine feminine, she may begin to recognise the disempowering nature of a radicalised feminist narrative.
Women who are in touch with their divine femininity, will not be accessible to wounded, unawakened or toxic masculinity. Sex will be a sacred union, anchored in the heart and her sexuality lays the foundation for a divine sexual experience.
A woman may discover that when she steps into her divine feminine energy, lower vibratory sex turns her off. She no longer feels sufficiently aroused by sexuality anchored in the lower chakra. Her feminine essence shifts away from lust.
Internalised Misogyny
Women have been objectified by a society that heavily values women’s sexuality. Some would even refer to attraction’s remarkable power as having privilege….
The pussy really does have power after all!

Power comes with responsibility, and the male gaze can shatter a woman’s sense of worth. Whether we like to acknowledge it or not, women are valued for their attractiveness and sex appeal at first glance, and this phenomenon is known as pretty privilege.
A beautiful woman with poor self-esteem may use her beauty to define herself. Insufficient nurturing throughout a woman’s childhood may allow her beauty to define her identity, weakening her self-esteem.
Let’s call this phenomenon what it really is going forward: a broken consciousness.
Broken Conciousness in women
A broken consciousness woman does not know her worth and will prioritise superficiality, when she is internally lacking.
When a woman lacks inner substance, toxic masculinity will exploit her poverty because her appeal is her sole strength.

Rather than adorning her heart, she will dedicate her entire life to making her vessel seem beautiful. Some women even go so far as to undergo physical self-mutilation in order to achieve their cosmetic surgery objectives.
Although a woman may experience momentary fulfilment from physical improvements, this results in a seriously underdeveloped interior. She may look prettier, but her interior nature can expose her to men’s basic nature.
There will be no shortage of suitors drawn to a woman who doesn’t know her worth. They may promise her a (false) love based on a surface-level connection, but in reality, all he has to offer her is infatuation and not authentic love.
The unfortunate reality is that a woman with a low self esteem may not recognise the difference between, love and infatuation.
A person suffering from a this consciousness usually confuses lust for love. Many long-term partnerships are based on infatuation and mistaken for true love.
When a woman’s personality is based solely on appearance, she does not inspire deep love, and unhealthy women are unaware of this.
Emotional unavailability in women
Women exhibit emotional inaccessibility in different ways than do men. When a woman is emotionally unavailable, she will deceive both herself and, more unsettlingly, other people into thinking that she desires a relationship.
How does a woman know that she is emotionally unavailable?
The types of guys a woman likes, often reveal her emotional unavailbilty. A woman who is cut off from the wisdom of her embodied emotions, will frequently only show her attraction to certain kinds of guys.
Being emotionally unavailable is frequently unintentional and masked in blindspots. You only really become aware of your own emotional unavailability through observation of your patterns and the partners you choose.
When a woman has a habit of developing feelings for emotionally unavailable or avoidant men, it is usually a sign that she is emotionally avoidant herself.
We attract who we are, not what we want.
Unmothered daughters
Drawing from personal experience, I can assert that although a woman with shattered consciousness may not understand the factors that compel a man to fall in love, a stunning woman will nevertheless feel deserving of his admiration.

Being the daughter of a stunning woman, I observed the way my mother was adept at catching men’s attention, she had no trouble attracting the opposite sex.
Unfortunately attractive though she may have been, she was not successful at cultivating the love and protection of a healthy, masculine partner.
Many modern women secretly prefer a man who could provide these attributes. However many contemporary women exhibit excess pride and, women are embodying toxic masculine energy ruin the polarity neceessay for healthy masculinity to be at its peak.
Wounded femininity
Donning a masculine shield to conceal her damaged femininity, a woman is cut off from her inner wisdom. When a woman is not embodied, it becomes harder to establish a connection with the opposite sex.
In their attempts to be viewed as “equal” to men, women who lack self-awareness may indulge in casual sex without consulting with their hearts. In the end, they will be exploited for their physical attractiveness, vitality, and sexual energy—which also happens to be the source of creativity.
Maturity will scare a woman if she hasn’t established a strong foundation of value and love inside herself. A fractured-consciousness woman panics as her youth-related desirability wanes.
One has built their house on shaky foundations if they have prioritised and valued their appearance over rooting into their true self.
In order to attract quality you have to be quality.
This is not meant to downplay the unique role that beauty plays in the tapestry of existence. It is important to remember that physical attractiveness is superficial and has limited value in life.
Basing your identity on attraction can actually have downsides because the constantly moving goalposts will fan the flames of insecurity.
When a woman objectifies herself and has low self value, she becomes prey to destructive masculinity.
The Divine Masculine & Feminine as a Concept
You may get a sense of what it means by substituting words like “divine” with words like “awakening,” “mature,” “authentic,” “fulfilled,” “self-realised,” and “real.” It’s what we develop into as our cerebral, emotional, physical, and spiritual maturation increases.

Conversely, the shadow side of masculinity and femininity would be the immature, poisonous, and egoistic aspects of each. It’s also important to remember that, regardless of gender, we all have elements of both femininity and masculinity to varied degrees.
The divine feminine and masculine are typically a pair. They collaborate in everyday life. The divine feminine aligns her energy with the forces by wrapping around the divine masculine’s straight line when it is intended for something. They support, encourage, and assist one another in making decisions.