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Unleashing Your Personal Power is Important

personal power

Personal power is directly tied to personal responsibility!

Developing your personal power allows you to reach your greatest potential. The accumulation of negative events and setbacks teaches you how to find your inner strength, which is how inner power is achieved.

Personal power embodies the spirit of the saying, “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”, you begin to form inner resilience which makes it possible to achieve your goals and dreams.

Unlocking your potential comes when you feel into the strength and conviction of your personality. It dawns on you that your most challenging life experiences, were no accident.

What is Personal Power?

Personal power means having conviction and confidence that translates as an ability to influence people and events. This type of power is organic as it comes from qualities that are born of self confidence as opposed to formal authority such as job position.

Personal power is a state of mind that is a result of self belief. People with personal power usually demonstrate a high level of self awareness and personal efficacy.

Understanding the Concept of Personal Power and Its Significance

Nothing was in vain, all of the pain and grief serve a purpose in making you the person you are today. Instead of feeling like a victim of circumstances that befell you, you begin to see the interconnectedness of your most challenging and difficult experiences.

You will find that you are no longer playing small. If you found yourself in a position where your personality was too big for your peer groups or that you never really felt at home in any of your social groups – there’s a chance it’s because your personality is better suited for a big life purpose.

Personal Power is Authentic

personal power to serve the greater calling that your soul came here for

An honest life will be your driving force. Your desire is to be authentic, self-assured, and unapologetic about your identity and principles. It is no longer your goal to blend in. Conformity will feel way to restrictive. You don’t want to play the game of social conformity anymore, because that’s what it is, a game, whereby we each agree upon a set of unspoken rules that allow us to feel safe in our hives.

Being authentic is crucial in developing personal power. It means embracing your true self, owning your values, beliefs, and experiences without compromise. Authenticity allows you to tap into your genuine emotions and express them confidently. When you are authentic, others are more likely to trust and respect you because they can sense your sincerity.

Authenticity also empowers you to make choices aligned with your core values. By staying true to yourself, you can navigate through life with integrity and make decisions that align with who you truly are. This sense of alignment gives you a strong foundation from which to assert yourself confidently in various aspects of life.

Access Denied

Access to your energy is a privilege and is not something that you take lightly. You understand your value and the tables have turned in a big way. Now, you realise the value that you bring and can sense when you are not being valued. Where you once went to others to feel a sense of love or belonging, (despite how toxic that connection was) you now can see that this connection does not serve you. Not only does it not serve you, but actually you are able to see very clearly that it has been draining, or siphoning you. This realisation may come after years of struggling with these types of connections, but now you have such clarity.

Your Voice & Personal Power

You have found your voice and you are not afraid to use it. When you use your voice with conviction it empowers and inspires others to step into their power and realise their own magnificence too. You are speaking your truth boldly and confidently, this may also illicit fear in people who have not yet integrated their shadow and still repress these character traits in the shadows.

Authenticity is the key to unlocking our personal power. When we are true to ourselves, we radiate confidence and attract genuine connections. Our unique perspective, experiences, and values shape our voice, making it distinct and compelling.

By embracing our authenticity, we are able to tap into a wellspring of creativity and innovation. We can express ourselves freely without the fear of judgment or rejection. Our ideas become more original and impactful as they stem from a place of truth.

Furthermore, when we embrace our authentic voice, we inspire others to do the same. Our courage becomes contagious as others witness the power that comes from living in alignment with who we truly are. By being authentic, we create a ripple effect that encourages those around us to step into their own personal power.


personal power makes you more confident

You feel so much more confident than before. You are like a completely different person because you are unphased by fear. Don’t get me wrong you still understand that their is a certain amount of fear that is natural to the human condition, but you are just not ruled by it anymore. In fact you can’t be ruled by it anymore because there’s too much work to do, this takes us to our next point – purpose!

You’ve found your purpose

Your mission for being in this body and on this planet at this particular moment is clearly defined. You understand that it’s not by accident that you exist. Your people-pleasing and martyring tendencies have been abandoned in favour of a more genuine service to your goal.

How do you discern? It won’t feel draining. It won’t feel like an energy that is siphoning you. You also aren’t doing it from a low vibrational state of obligation or expectations. By being conscious about what energy is powering you, it frees you up to serve a higher purpose than before.

Once you have found your purpose, life takes on a whole new meaning. You wake up each day with a sense of excitement and drive, knowing that every action you take is aligned with your authentic self. Your work becomes more meaningful as it reflects your values and contributes to something greater than yourself.

Finding your purpose is not always easy, but it is worth the effort. It requires introspection, self-reflection, and sometimes even stepping out of your comfort zone. But the rewards are immense – a deep sense of fulfillment, inner peace, and a life that feels genuine and true.

So take the time to explore who you are at the core. Embrace your passions, listen to your intuition, and trust that you have something unique to offer the world. When you live authentically in alignment with your purpose, magic happens – both for yourself and those around you.


You feel so goddamn gooooood! Whilst you might not jump out of bed everyday feeling like Pollyanna, for the most part your default emotion is joyful. You feel electric and people pick up on that magnetism and feel drawn to you. You are like a human magnet so it’s important to start impressing upon your mind the jobs, people, experiences and things that you want in your life because they will surely find you. They have no choice but to magnetise to your energy.

Exercises to tap into your personal power

Unlocking and tapping into your personal power is a transformative journey that can lead to incredible growth and fulfillment. It is about harnessing your inner strength, confidence, and abilities to create positive change in your life.

So, how do you tap into your personal power? Here are some key steps to get you started:

  1. Self-awareness: Take the time to understand yourself on a deeper level. Reflect on your strengths, weaknesses, values, and passions. This self-awareness will help you align with your authentic self and identify areas where you can leverage your personal power
  2. Set empowering goals: Define clear and meaningful goals that resonate with your values and aspirations. Break them down into actionable steps and create a plan to achieve them. Setting goals gives you direction and purpose, igniting the motivation needed to tap into your personal power.
  3. Positive mindset: Cultivate a positive mindset by practicing gratitude, affirmations, and visualization techniques. Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth rather than obstacles. A positive mindset empowers you to overcome setbacks with resilience and determination.
  4. Embrace self-care: Prioritize self-care activities that nourish your mind, body, and soul. This includes getting enough sleep, eating nutritious food, getting regular excercise, practicing mindfulness or meditation, engaging in hobbies or activities that bring joy.
  5. Surround yourself with support: Seek out individuals who uplift and inspire you – friends, family members or mentors who believe in your potential. Surrounding yourself with positive influences creates an encouraging environment where you can thrive.
  6. Learn from setbacks: Embrace failures as learning experiences rather than reasons for giving up. Analyze what went wrong without dwelling on negativity or self-blame; instead focus on the lessons learned that will propel you forward.


Tapping into your personal power is an ongoing process of growth and self-discovery – it requires commitment, patience,and belief in yourself. By implementing these strategies consistently, you will unlock the immense potential within you and create a life that is aligned with your true purpose.

In conclusion, embracing your personal power is not only liberating but also empowering. It allows you to tap into your inner wellspring by expressing yourself genuinely without fear or hesitation. By being true to yourself, you inspire others to do the same – creating a world where everyone’s unique voices are celebrated and valued. So let your true self shine brightly as you step into your personal power!

Personal Power, Uncategorized
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