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Why we should create a new evolved business model!

Woman in alignment. Conscious business model

There’s a pervasive and insipid belief that plagues the consciousness of the planet that says that in order to do business we need struggle and sacrifice. It perpetuates a worn out cliche that we have to be hard, ruthless and be powered by cold hard math to be successful. Some of us may believe that in order for us to be truly productive, we have to be exhausted, stressed out and busy. We wear exhaustion and burnout as a badge of honour as though that means we have been productive.

It’s an unhealthy and outdated attitude and is especially toxic for the psyche of women in business. This mindset is devoid of creativity, originality and a femininity. When you are creating a business not only are you now behind the wheel but you have a unique opportunity to break the wheel and create something beautiful. Its true enough that in life you get back what you put in, but you can decide what that looks like for you.

Conscious business

Core values like structure, consistency, discipline, organisation etc, values that are indispensable to the original business model, can not be compromised. However it’s time to create something more evolved, it’s time to usher in a conscious business. Give yourself permission to be loyal to your intuition, and make that your priority. Even the older model of business esteems sharp instincts as a crucial value .


Give yourself permission to be stubborn and create firm boundaries. Which part of your business or personal conduct is not open for discussion or debate? It’s important to establish early on what are your non-negotiables and then commit to them.


Be in a state of flow. When you feel off, your creativity will suffer. It important to recognise this and come back into alignment and work from this space of connectedness to your inner self. Learn to tune on to your own natural cycles and rhythms to create the foundations for your own personal success. The relationship between your work ethic and your inner being should be healthy as it is critical to your success. Allow yourself to be still and give yourself permission to listen to divine guidance by tuning into your intuition. You can never go wrong when you are in service to others. Practice the pivot. Be in harmony.

Be a human being, not a human doing

During times of overwhelm or when problems arise, its important to feel into the energy of ease. Be laser focused about your priorities, know when to ask for help and learn to stand on the shoulders of the successors who have come before you. Automate your daily rituals so that staying focused is built into your structure.

Heart centred business model

We stand in the dawn of an era of heart centred business that commands us to be in a state of flow. It is time to re-imagine a new business model, one that feeds and can be felt via our sense of well-being. A business that is not only compassionate to our well being but is actually powered by it.

Don’t rush, choose inspiration over stress. Create a business that you do not need to retreat from through weekends and through holidays. Its such a cliche that we’ve heard time over, but some worn cliches still ring true. When you follow your passion, there is a greater likelihood that money and traditional success will come. Additionally, by turning your passions and hobbies into your vocation, your work no longer feels like work but a continuum of play.

Surrender to the present moment

What does it mean to live life moment by moment? It means being in the creative process and embracing the journey. Following your passions will inspire you to live more often in the present moment which is really the only way to find happiness. In the present moment you get to experience the power of now that is described in the most profound depth by author Eckhart Tolle. The creative process draws you into the here and now, experiencing life moment by moment as now is the only place that life is actually happening. Now is the only way to experience the magical and mystical quality of life.

Releasing the habit of sacrificing your nutrition for the grind! Most women will automatically think of nutrition in the form of food and drink, which is equally paramount but the nutrition that we often overlook, is the business of reflection, daydreams, listening to our bodies when she says, slow down and rest.

Do not be a slave to the grind, or your business for that matter.

Surrender the need to wear your exhaustion as some sort of badge of honour!

Be so aligned with your professional and personal path so you know when to pivot. You are a human being not a human doing! You get to create what you want your Monday to feel like. Be a source of power, not a slave to your business. Be in business on purpose, not in a business that makes you a busy mess.

Business, Uncategorized

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