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The Secret to Powerful Affirmations: Chakra Affirmations Explained

chakra affirmations


Understanding Chakras and Their Importance

If affirmations are the way to Jedi mindtrick your subconcious into manifesting the life of your dreams then, chakra affirmations are the secret sauce!

Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock for the past two decades, you’ve most likely heard the word “chakra.” This Sanskrit word, which literally translates as ‘turning wheel,’ originated in India and has gained popularity through the growing yoga movement in the West. For those unfamiliar with its actual meaning, here’s a brief breakdown.

Chakras are energy centers that form the basis of our physical, emotional, mental, and ethereal energy fields. These energetic focal points make up our energy body and correlate with our organs as well. The esoteric belief is that humans interact in more than one dimension. Being multidimensional beings means we interact with both the physical plane as well as the emotional and psychological planes. As such, the body, mind, and emotions synergistically affect each other.

The Power of Affirmations for Manifesting Abundance

Our bodies, minds, and emotions are affected by the health of our chakras, but we often overlook the impact these different energy centers have on our external environment. Despite their interrelation, each energy center operates within its own interdependent boundaries. Affirmations are short statements we repeat in our minds, listen to, or say out loud. They are repeated often to impress the statement upon our subconscious.

It is common for individuals to repeat affirmations using the root words “I am”; however using these types of affirmations when your self esteem is low can have a negative impact. Studies have found that while “I am” affirmations can be beneficial for people with high self-esteem, they can have a detrimental impact on individuals with low self-esteem. For further reading, refer to Psychology Today and Neuroscience School.

“I am” affirmations are effective for strengthening the root chakra. However, to supercharge your manifestation game, it’s important to understand the nuances of each subtle energy center. In this article, we will demonstrate the importance of shifting your affirmations based on the unique energy center you are working with so that you can supercharge your manifestation game!

1. Root Chakra Affirmations (Muladhara)

  • Location: Base of the spine
  • Associated with: Stability, security, grounding
  • Affirmations for Abundance:
    1. “I am grounded in the energy of abundance.”
    2. “I am attracting financial security and stability.”
    3. “I am open to receiving wealth in all forms.”
    4. “I am supported by the energy of the earth.”
    5. “I am secure in my financial future.”
    6. “I am rooted in prosperity.”
    7. “I am worthy of the abundance that flows to me.”

2. Sacral Chakra Affirmations (Svadhisthana)

  • Location: Lower abdomen
  • Associated with: Creativity, sexuality, pleasure
  • Affirmations for Abundance:
    1. “I feel abundant creativity flowing through me.”
    2. “I feel joy in the process of manifesting wealth.”
    3. “I feel deserving of prosperity and pleasure.”
    4. “I feel inspired to create abundance.”
    5. “I feel my desires attracting wealth.”
    6. “I feel the flow of financial prosperity.”
    7. “I feel pleasure in receiving abundance.”

3. Solar Plexus Chakra Affirmations (Manipura)

  • Location: Upper abdomen
  • Associated with: Confidence, power, self-esteem
  • Affirmations for Abundance:
    1. “I will confidently attract abundance.”
    2. “I will embrace my power to create wealth.”
    3. “I will achieve my financial goals with ease.”
    4. “I will manifest my desires.”
    5. “I will take action towards my prosperity.”
    6. “I will trust in my ability to create wealth.”
    7. “I will succeed in attracting financial abundance.”

4. Heart Chakra Affirmations (Anahata)

  • Location: Center of the chest
  • Associated with: Love, compassion, forgiveness
  • Affirmations for Abundance:
    1. “I love the process of creating abundance.”
    2. “I love sharing my wealth with others.”
    3. “I love and attract prosperity effortlessly.”
    4. “I love myself and welcome abundance.”
    5. “I love the flow of prosperity in my life.”
    6. “I love giving and receiving wealth.”
    7. “I love the opportunities that come my way.”

5. Throat Chakra Affirmations (Vishuddha)

Neon-colored X-ray image of a human head and neck, illustrating the concept of energy centers or chakras for chakra affirmations
  • Location: Throat
  • Associated with: Communication, expression, truth
  • Affirmations for Abundance:
    1. “I speak positively about my financial success.”
    2. “I speak my desires into existence.”
    3. “I speak with confidence about my abundance.”
    4. “I speak words of prosperity.”
    5. “I speak my financial goals clearly.”
    6. “I speak affirmations of wealth daily.”
    7. “I speak gratitude for the abundance I have.”

6. Third Eye Chakra Affirmations (Ajna)

  • Location: Forehead between the eyes
  • Associated with: Intuition, insight, imagination
  • Affirmations for Abundance:
    1. “I see opportunities for wealth everywhere.”
    2. “I see my path to financial freedom clearly.”
    3. “I see abundance manifesting in my life.”
    4. “I see the flow of prosperity coming to me.”
    5. “I see my dreams turning into reality.”
    6. “I see the abundance in the world around me.”
    7. “I see the universe supporting my financial growth.”

7. Crown Chakra Affirmations (Sahasrara)

  • Location: Top of the head
  • Associated with: Spirituality, enlightenment, connection
  • Affirmations for Abundance:
    1. “I understand that I am worthy of abundance.”
    2. “I understand the flow of wealth in my life.”
    3. “I understand and embrace the infinite abundance of the universe.”
    4. “I understand that prosperity is my birthright.”
    5. “I understand the spiritual nature of abundance.”
    6. “I understand my connection to universal wealth.”
    7. “I understand the abundance that surrounds me.”


Incorporating these affirmations into your daily routine can help balance your chakras and manifest abundance in your life. Remember to practice mindfulness and meditation alongside these affirmations for optimal results in attracting prosperity.

For further insights and articles on manifestation and chakra healing, be sure to check out my other writings.

Call to Action

Begin your journey to abundance today by integrating these chakra affirmations into your daily practice. If you found this article helpful, explore more on clearing fear around mone in my article 50+ Powerful Money Affirmations to Clear Fear and Attract Abundance and learn how to quantum jump into a different reality in this article Imagination Is Everything & Quantum Jumping Is The New Normal. You can explore our manifestation category for a deeper understanding and more techniques on manifesting your dreams.

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Affirmations, Manifestation, Spiritual Growth

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