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How to start respecting your own natural rhythm for a more satisfying life

Are you free to respect the natural rhythm of your body? Do you constantly do until you experience burnout? Or are you waiting for your body system to fail in the form of sickness before you pay attention? This topic could be a trigger for some women, but we are not made to do all the things that men do. Furthermore when we are too busy imitating and competing with masculine energy we find ourselves at a disadvantage. It is time to figure out how to start respecting your own natural rhythm so that you can create a more satisfying life!

If you are used to being constantly on the go learning to honour your bodies natural rhythm can take time. The world we live in is very heavily tipped towards a masculine dominant culture. We are in a left brain dominated society of doers. The real success comes when we have the space to manifest a life that is steeped in creativity. A life that is underpinned by innate feminine qualities and allows us to lean into our femininity. That looks like moving away from having to pay the bills from a position of survival. It means having all the important areas of our life in balance, such as parenting, relationships and care-giving. That means playing to our strengths and honing in on our soft power. Clear the decks and create, the money will follow. It’s time to replace the word hustle with align.

Play to your strengths for a satisfying life

That does not rule out the necessity to work with more masculine qualities when required to. Women are generally more right brain oriented which gives us a natural affinity for the creativity and intuition. These qualities require the right environment to flourish. Cut out the noise and the drama that drown your ideas. Lean into your femininity. This is not intended to discredit the career women who thrives in these circumstances, more power to you if competing using masculine strengths is better suited to you.

This article is tailored to the women that have not yet caught their stride and may be wondering why? Oftentimes our best ideas will come to us during times of rest and reflection. You will need to make enough room in your life for this to occur. Enough silences in between the noise of everyday living. Some people benefit from being in the type of structure that working for someone else provides. If this suits your natural rhythm, do not change it. The problem comes when we are not best suited for working in rigid structures, when our rhythm requires more wiggle room. When we need more time for dreaming, reflecting, resting, and restoring.

Clear the decks

Being the predominately right brain thinking of the two genders, this may bring with it a natural affinity for chaos. This is the side effect of feminine energy, she is hysterical! With the masculine counterpart, we have the structure and direction necessary to turn our dreams into reality. Instead of competing in structures that are designed to suit men lets step into and create structures that suit our own unique way of succeeding. Ones that honour and work with our rhythm, our families, our relationships and our creative projects.

Personal Power, Uncategorized
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