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What is Emotional Intelligence & How Can it Improve Your Life

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What is emotional intelligence & how can it improve your life?

When thinking about intelligence, most people’s mind don’t think of emotional intelligence. Instead their mind will imagine the most commonly accepted intelligence, which is logical and mathematical. This is the type of intelligence that most of us have been encouraged to aspire to as its the intelligence type that is promoted in academia and most recognised society. Logical-mathematical intelligence can be thought of as a type of default intelligence type and is mostly associated with masculine thought processing.

This intelligence type is responsible for a vast degree of humanity most progressive inventions from early to modern man and as such, is the most widely recognised and dominant intelligence type. However studies have found that there are ‘currently’ seven other lesser known intelligence types which include visual-spatial, linguistic, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, naturalistic, intrapersonal and interpersonal. The last two intelligence types include emotional intelligence.

When we are self aware, we are better able to understand our actions , thoughts, and feelings. By being self aware you are able to recognise how others perceive you. 

Emotional Intelligence (EI) is the ability to recognise, understand, and manage our own emotions and those of others. It is a key factor in success in all aspects of life, from relationships to career. With a better understanding of our emotions, we can build better relationships with people around us and develop effective strategies for dealing with difficult situations.

A high emotional intelligence can also help us become more successful at work by improving communication skills, managing stress levels, and developing better problem-solving skills. Taking an EQ test can help you assess your emotional intelligence and identify areas where you need to improve. With the right psychological intelligence tools, you can develop your emotional intelligence and become more successful in life.

In this article, we are going to talk about interpersonal intelligence as it relates to emotional intelligence. 

Developing Self Awareness – Understanding Your Emotions and How They Impact Your Life

scrabble picture displaying know yourself
know yourself

Self awareness is the capacity to understand your emotions and recognise the causes behind your reactions, but the question still remains, what is self awareness? Awareness of your boundaries and self discipline are a couple of keys which help you to become more self aware.

When you are self aware you are more attuned to your strengths, weaknesses and triggers and what keeps you motivated, as well as the plethora of characteristics that make up who you are. By looking at your emotions with more depth and objectivity, you are able to garner what causes your reactions and how to harness your emotions in a way that truly benefits you. 

Self awareness creates an ability to look at situations objectively without becoming embroiled in your emotions and/or reactive to them. You become healthier because you no longer are vulnerable to people or situations that trigger you. You can remain calm in situations that are highly pressured and intense because you are better equipped to manage your emotional reactions. 

Developing self-awareness is one of the most important steps you can take to improve your life. It involves understanding your emotions and how they impact your thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. By being aware of what you are feeling and why, you can better manage your reactions to situations and make more informed decisions. With increased self-awareness, you can also become more in tune with yourself and others, allowing for better communication and relationships.

Learning Self Regulation – Controlling & Managing Your Feelings & Actions

picture of woman looking emotionally distressed

Learning self-regulation is an important skill that helps us control and manage our feelings and actions. It enables us to respond to situations in a more constructive and positive way, rather than reacting in a negative or destructive manner. Self-regulation helps us take responsibility for our own actions, so that we can make better decisions in the future. It also allows us to be aware of our emotions and how they affect our behavior, so that we can better understand ourselves and others. With self-regulation, we can effectively manage stress levels, maintain healthier relationships, and increase productivity.

Building Better Relationships Through Developing Empathy & Social Skills

In today’s world, having good relationships with others is essential for success. Developing empathy and social skills can help us build better relationships, both professionally and personally. Empathy helps us understand how others feel, while social skills help us interact effectively with them. By developing our empathy and social skills, we can create strong connections with people around us and foster a more meaningful life.

Conclusion: Harness the Power of Emotional Intelligence to Live a Happier & Healthier Life

Emotional intelligence is a powerful tool that can help us to make better decisions, build stronger relationships, and live a happier and healthier life. It enables us to be more aware of our emotions and how they affect our behaviour, so we can respond in ways that will bring us closer to our goals. With emotional intelligence, we can become better communicators and problem-solvers, allowing us to navigate difficult situations with greater ease. By learning how to harness the power of emotional intelligence, we can create an environment of positivity and well being in our lives.


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