Lets not pretend that you came here to read a rinse and repeat introduction, let’s get straight to the good stuff shall we? 10 ways to create personal transformation in your life!
Go easy on yourself – personal transformation is a marathon not a sprint

Rome wasn’t built in a day and all that jazz. In the fable about the hare and tortoise, personal transformation is personified by the tortoise, slow, steady confident and persistent. Give yourself permission to arrive at your destination at your own pace by following and tuning into your own natural cycle. Anything that is worth having requires sturdy foundations and by building, slowly and consistently, you are setting your foundations concretely.
Read! Personal transformation requires pattern interruption

Reading quality material is a great pattern interrupter. If your usual routine involves slumming it in front of the T.V. reading serves as a great way of breaking you out of your comfort zone. It can get you into a creative head space engages your imagination, especially if you opt for a juicy fictional novel. If fictional novels aren’t your thing you can choose from a plethora of personal development books. The internet is masterful for skimming through a subject, but if you want to explore a subject in depth, opt for a good quality book on the the area of development that you are looking to embody. You are the Michael Angelo of your own life, so get them creative juices flowing.
Listen To People Who Inspire You

The upside to this tactic is that you can do this while multitasking, stairs need hoovering? Laundry need folding? Grass need mowing? This is as a good a time as any to inspire the woman that you want to become by learning the tricks of her trade. Want to build wealth? Listen to influencers that know their shit, on all subjects pertaining to money literacy. Want to start a business? Find an authority on business that resonates, and embody the spirit of the teachers pet! Apply this formula to any and all subjects that tickle your fancy.
Enrol on courses

There is a wealth of knowledge at the tips our fingers and any skill you want to learn doesn’t even require you to leave your house these days. If you’ve been thinking about learning a new language, writing a novel, playing an instrument, starting a new business, the best toolkit in your arsenal is to stand on the shoulders of giants. Skill Share has a variety of courses for the novice, taught by people that have established themselves in the subject that you want to get into, and at a very reasonable price. Investing in the woman that you would like to become will be one of the smartest investments that you could ever make.
Choose your community

Show me your friends and I’ll show you who you are! They say that you are most influenced by the 5 closest people in your circle, so be intentional with who you rub shoulders with on a regular basis. These people will a crucial key to your personal transformation. Also whilst you develop who you are becoming, you will find that you truly are transforming fancy that!
As this phenomena sets in , you will find that you need to expand and diversify your circle so that you can make space for the new branch of your personality if you are lucky, you will find that your needs are satiated by people that are already in your circle.
Branch out!
On other occasions you will need to branch out and meet new people, develop a wider community, for support, because no matter how bad-ass you are, we are not islands, we all need someone to lean on, to laugh with, connect to, or be inspired by! Surround yourself with people who will tell you the truth. People who will act as your mirror pointing out things that may be stuck in your blind spots.
Make yourself a priority

As women we have been taught that prioritising ourselves is selfish. Well i’m here to tell you that it is, and to do it! We are in no position to help others when we have not helped ourselves, yes, I know, how very cliche of me to say, but the tired old cliche rings true. Unless we are making ourselves a priority, any help we offer others is coming from duty and obligations, this is low vibrational.
The quality of giving that we give to others, is a direct reflection on how well we have served ourselves, make yourself a priority by putting your gas mask on first. Helping others from a state of high vibration and personal satisfaction serves a calling higher than yourself.
Make your personal transformation a work of art

See yourself as a work of art, if you don’t like something that you created, step back look at it then adjust. Keep doing this until you see something that looks closer to the vision that you have impressed upon your imagination. Like an artist when you see something you don’t like, don’t be discouraged, don’t complain, don’t feel sorry for yourself, remain detached from the outcome and simply pivot.
Develop new habits for personal transformation

This tip is pretty self explanatory. Stay consistent by practising new habits daily, change is a shift in lifestyle, once that new habit is established it takes no conscious effort.
Take a long hard look at yourself!

This should be top of the list because self awareness leads to emotional intelligence, and emotional intelligence will take you anywhere that your heart so desires. There is a wisdom in emotions that is the difference between success and failure. In an article written by Forbes they found that emotional intelligence was a greater indicator of success than any other skill in the workforce. Be honest with yourself, about yourself, to yourself your transformative success is riding on it.
Just do it!

Procrastination is the thief of dreams! You can read all the books, read all the motivational articles, enrol on as many courses as you want, but without going out there into the trenches of your discomfort zone, your goals will remain nothing but fruitless dreams. Go out there, fail fast, that’s how you learn, through failure, so get out there and fail. Fail forward, so that you can hurry up and win!
Personal transformation means being persistent. Don’t give up!

Cant stop wont stop – don’t quit, take a break if you must, but hop back on the saddle! When resistance arises do not give in to defeat, do not identify with the negative emotion that arises. In the process of transformation, a lot of stuck, stagnant energy surfaces in the form of self doubt. Sometimes it comes in the form of triggers, and insecurities that surface to your conscious awareness.
This exposure to negative emotions which was once relegated to the shadowy corners of your subconscious, is often the very thing that stops people from creating change in their life. They don’t want to re-experience the suppressed emotions of fear, doubt, shame or guilt that is seeking expression through your art! Your art being you!
Rest, pause, take a break, sit it out, then hop back on the saddle. Your doubts, blocks, insecurities are not as determined as you so simply keep going!
Bonus Tips
- Set realistic goals
- Take a deep insightful look at yourself, change comes from self awareness. self reflection, introspection. All that jazz. Theres a time for yin and a time for yang. This is time to yin.
- Have a clear picture of who you want to be, or what you want to achieve
- Take risks. Calculated risks is the cornerstone of growth. Growth doesn’t happen in the comfort zone. Leap into the unknown.
- Have a strong why – why do you want to change? Create a list of reasons. This will help you to determine what skill you have to learn? what habit will you need to change? Have a think about what it is you will need to transform yourself.
- Write down your goals, seeing is believing
- Identify your core values then be willing to surrender anything that you need to align with your transformation – in order to have something we’ve never had, we’ve got to be willing to become someone we’ve never been
- Create a vision of the future and then make it so vivid that it becomes palpable. what would you look like, what would it feel like?
- Make a plan, have stamina and build, slow and steady. This is not a sprint, this is a marathon
Are there any other tools that you find works for you? Comment below and join the conversation by telling us the people places or things you find useful in metamorphosing into the woman you want to become.
Good luck!