It has been said that those with a lot of sexual energy are also healers so why then does sex get such a bad rap? Sex has gained a notorious reputation as something bad, naughty or sinful…. as though humanity would exist without it! With the likes of porn and the misogynistic condemnation of women’s sexuality it has been turned from something once considered as sacred and became something impure, shameful and ugly. Many women have internalised this attack on divine sex by making it their own belief system. They have been taught to be ashamed of their sexuality and become threatened by those who hold space for and celebrate their divine sexuality!
Divine sex and the patriarchy

There’s a common running joke on the internet that women attribute everything bad to the patriarchy as though it’s some sort of collective pinata for their projected shadows, but where there is smoke there’s fire! The Goddess in monotheistic religions has been completely eradicated and this was by no means a coincidence. Sex – once known to be something magical and the life-force of creation itself has devolved into something dirty, sinful and shameful. Eve (a woman surprise surprise) of the bible is the personification of sin and temptation symbolised by eating the forbidden apple seduced by the serpent!
(why was the apple even there if it didn’t want to be eaten? I have questions!!!)
Many women are struggling with climaxing and owning their sexuality with some modern day spirituality omitting embodied sexual expression showing preference for “purer” femininity, neglecting her darker tapped in, turned on, insatiable counterpart!
This distortion continues with both women and men engaging in low vibrational sex. The sacred exchange is whittled down to its base form and is transactional rather than transcendental. Many women also sensing the power of this energy, engage its lower form using it for manipulative purposes. I know, I was one of them!
There’s not as much power in its base form, the essence of magic is stripped when its two bodies merely masturbating! It may get you off, but it’s not satisfying you at a soul level. The shadow sexuality is a distorted sexual energy and is not the same as divine sex as it does not vibrate at a higher frequency. Similarly the objectification of the female body brings this beautiful energy to its base form so that sexuality remains trapped in the lower chakras.
Divine sex and magic

Humans are social beings each craving connection to the divine and one of the passageways to the divine is found through sacred sexuality. Something magical happens when two souls with similar energy connect, are fully present and engage in deeply satisfying sex. In orgasm we taste the divine nectar and can clear our bodies of psychic debris that has been trapped in our auric fields.
We can bond and explore consciousness deeply by choosing to merge with another soul that has a similar energetic blueprint as our own. We can visit higher dimensions. Sex is creative energy so we can manifest our dreams, desires, goals or quite simply melt away what no longer serves us through this divine communion. Sex is magic.
When we respect our bodies as temples we are able to tap into the wisdom of the body listening to its whims. Lust in itself is neither good nor bad, the problem is that our primal instincts have been used against us and inverted. We feel connections with people and our body feels a yes, yet we are taught, through social conditioning, that to follow our own inner wisdom, or compass it’s wrong, because…. [insert social condition here]
When were we taught to be ashamed of sex?

Question is where do we draw our lines? Where do we go from sexual liberation and freedom and cross over into shadowy realms such as sexual violence, abuse and perversion? When does sex go from being something magical, mysterious and transcendental to something immoral? And who gets to decide what is immoral? When does sex descend into something low vibrational?
When we are free to decide who we choose to share our bodies with, where no harm physically or psychological comes to those involved, sex is put back on its throne. When sex is safe, embodied and encapsulated by love, sex is put back in its rightful place as the life-force of humanity.
When we get in touch with our bodies, our breath, our sexuality, intimacy… Into – Me – See, and we give permission to our bodies to receive pleasure, we start a revolution. We must stop seeing sex and this connection to the divine as something to be ashamed of. We must stop allowing an inverted sexuality to dictate to our collective consciousness a narrative about sex that does not serve us. We must put sex back in its rightful place, on its throne, by removing shame and marrying it with love, connection and spirituality.