As you are growing you may notice that you have the ability to keep many plates spinning whilst remaining calm in situations that would usually make you feel anxious or fearful. You might find that you have reached a new place within yourself where your able to stay calm even whilst under a lot of pressure.
Its very easy to become overconfident when you notice that you have become more adept at this life skill. This is usually when life has a few tricks up its sleeves to remind us that we are mere mortals after all. We watch in horror as the plates we have been spinning so well begin to wobble and fall from their stick! Don’t lose heart though, this is all part of the dance as we are growing into the best version of ourselves.
Congratulate yourself when you can see signs that you are growing into the best version of yourself

Congratulate yourself on the small victories within your personal development, that nobody can see yet. Clap for the victories that you have won that nobody congratulates you for. Be patient for the areas within your development where you can see that you are still attached to your old paradigm – those areas where you see evidence of the former self!
Self doubt whilst growing into the best version of yourself
You may notice that confidence may fluctuate. Some moments you have an unshakeable confidence in yourself even under fire, you can stare into the fire and give it a wink. And yet other moments you are not sure how you are going to pull it off! You may look back in hindsight wondering how you overcame previous victories and asking yourself if it was just some kind of fluke?
Embrace the days when your confidence doesn’t come easy, or is not at an all time high!. Those days will keep you grounded, human, humble and relatable.
Tune in to your innate wisdom

The simplest method for keeping us on track is built into our dna and involves listening to our bodies. There’s a wisdom within our cells that we can tap into. The more that we learn to trust this inner wisdom, this inner sat-nav helps us to find our way back to our highest path.
Hold onto the vision of the goals you have for yourself in your mind’s eye. Trust that your inner guidance system not only has the fastest route to the dream you have in your heart, but also knows the path that has the most scenic route and the most satisfying journey to get you there.
Breath through the fear
Self belief has an unsettling way of fluctuating, and you may engage the old paradigm of fear that was your former self’s default. Prior to now this was the way you protected yourself from disappointments and failure. Learn to breathe through your fears, by acknowledging that they are there. Do not deny them. Hold space for your fear, and by doing so you are symbiotically making room for your visions and dreams.
Feel the fear, and hold space for it. The more you can hold space for your fear, the more room that you make for the things that you want that are on the other side of fear. There’s a medicine in the very act of holding space for your own darker emotions.
What does it mean to hold space for your fear?
It means to feel the fear, allow it a space for expression without becoming identified with it. It means to listen to the fear and detach yourself from the story. The more that you can do this, the more that you will soften, then release the energy that is stuck within the fear, it can now move freely and can now be used to power your goals, dreams and visions.