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Why You Should Prioritise Your Self Worth & How To Improve It!

self worth

Discover the true meaning of self worth and the ways it impacts every area of your life. Learn about the signs of low self worth and gain valuable insights on how to improve it. Embrace self-love, and unlock your full potential with tried and tested tips and guidance. Start your journey towards a stronger sense of self worth.

It sounds so easy doesn’t it? But what does it really mean to “know your worth”? Put simply, it means to believe in yourself! For many people however, this saying is far too ambiguous. How can a person with crippling self worth embody a concept they’ve never been taught? How can they even begin to conceptualise the importance  of self worth? 

Developing a positive sense of self worth is essential for personal growth and overall well-being. It allows us to navigate through life’s challenges with confidence and resilience However, society has many people convinced that their self worth is somehow outside of themselves and determined by their standing in society. This can lead an individual to struggle with self-doubt, which can hinder their progress and limit their potential.

How do you define self worth?

Self worth is having an inner sense of value at your core. It is an inner knowing that you are worthy of love, respect and consideration. It emanates from a healthy foundation of self-belief and self empowerment.

self worth

Self-worth is at the heart of self-esteem, self-respect, self value and self-love.  It is like having a healthy interpersonal relationship with your core self. Your level of worth is like a history of how much you have come to love, respect and value yourself. It’s like the credit score of personal value.

Individuals with high self worth may manifest healthier relationships, more confidence, respect from their social circle, a healthy work environment, they’re empowered and may have a positive relationship with finances. 

In relationships they will display a secure attachment style. They will exhibit a stable sense of self-confidence and will be self-assured in their resilience to what life throws at them. They are aware of their  limitations but are not defined by them. They will be unafraid when exploring new opportunities as they will have faith in their ability to deliver. 

With self worth, you’ll automatically know how to set boundaries and quickly learn how to ask for respect.  You are not afraid to walk away when respect is not being served.

What is low self worth?

Low self worth is expressed by having a poor opinion of yourself. A person with low self worth will show a lack of faith in themselves and may have an underlying fear of failure. They will be judgmental of themselves or may turn this outwards and be excessively critical and judgmental towards others. 

low self worth

Low self-worth will cause you to brush off or downplay your own gifts and abilities which then undermines your confidence. You may focus on perfection and be extremely hard on yourself if you don’t meet your own self-imposed standards for perfection. There’s a lot of pressure to live up to and get things completely right because your sense of self worth is attached to it. 

You can usually spot a person who has low self-worth by their inability to receive compliments. Compliments will make them uncomfortable because they don’t feel worthy of receiving them. 

When someone has low self worth they usually elevate people above themselves in a bid to compensate for their imagined unworthiness. They will minimise their own needs, allowing their own boundaries to be violated. They may abandon themselves by going over and beyond for others aka “people pleasing”. When your self worth is low  you may lack assertiveness and it may be uncomfortable standing up for yourself. 

Many times low self worth stems from childhood where the overarching narrative would have been that you are not good enough. This negative narrative will usually stick and follow us into adulthood.

Low self worth

Low self worth can manifest in various different ways which may look like:

  1.  Excessive people pleasing and self abandonment 
  2.  Weak boundary setting and an inability to honour your own boundaries
  3. Low self-confidence or self-consciousness
  4. Excessive fear of rejection and anxiety around rejection and vulnerability
  5. An inability to stand up for yourself when the situation calls for it or a general lack of assertiveness 
  6. Unconsciously apologising for your existence i.e. not taking up space

How do you improve self-worth? 

The first way to begin building self-worth is to start believing in yourself.  When you believe in yourself and your intrinsic sense of value, something inside you will shift. Many people who have started with low self worth wrongly believe that in order to bring out the best in themselves, they must be hard on themselves. When you are building self-worth the opposite is true. 

self worth


Yes we must hold ourselves accountable but in order to bring out the best in yourself, have self compassion. Being kind to yourself is momentous because by doing so, you communicate to yourself that you are worthy of kindness which will subsequently increase your own self worth. 

Improving self worth is a journey that requires self-reflection, self-compassion, and intentional actions. It is essential to recognize the importance of valuing oneself and nurturing a positive sense of self worth.


One way to improve self worth is through embracing self-acceptance. This involves acknowledging and appreciating one’s strengths, talents, and accomplishments. By focusing on the positive aspects of oneself, it becomes easier to build a foundation of confidence and self-assurance.


Another crucial aspect of enhancing self worth is practicing self-care. Taking care of one’s physical, emotional, and mental well-being can significantly impact how an individual perceives their own value. Engaging in activities that bring joy, practicing mindfulness or meditation, and setting boundaries are all examples of nurturing one’s sense of self worth.

Positive circle

Additionally, surrounding oneself with a supportive network can contribute positively to improving self worth. Building relationships with individuals who uplift and encourage personal growth can provide validation and reassurance. Seeking out mentors or joining support groups can also offer guidance and perspective on building a strong sense of self worth.

It is important to remember that improving self worth takes time and effort. It requires challenging negative beliefs or thoughts about oneself while cultivating a mindset rooted in positivity and resilience. Through consistent practice and dedication to personal growth, individuals can gradually enhance their sense of self worth for a happier and more fulfilling life experience.

healthy self worth

Let’s clarify that self-worth and self-value are interdependent and can be used interchangeably. If you value yourself that means that you have a healthy sense of self worth. 

It is important to remember that our self-worth should not be solely defined by external factors or achievements. Our value as individuals goes beyond what we accomplish or how others perceive us. True self-worth comes from within, from embracing our unique qualities, and from cultivating a sense of self-acceptance and self-love.

While it is natural to seek validation and recognition from others, placing too much importance on external validation can be detrimental to our self-esteem. It is essential to cultivate a healthy sense of self-worth that is independent of external opinions or societal standards.

Remember that you are inherently valuable and deserving of love, respect, and happiness simply because you exist. Embrace your strengths, acknowledge your accomplishments, and learn from your mistakes. Nurture a positive mindset and surround yourself with supportive individuals who uplift you.

Ultimately, your worth as an individual should be based on the qualities that make you unique – your kindness, compassion, resilience, creativity, and the impact you have on the lives of others. Embrace your true worth and live authentically with confidence in who you are.

Personal Power, Uncategorized
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