Introduction: What Does it Mean to be a Conscious Creator?
Clue: Start viewing everything as energy. There are two types of creators; the conscious creator and the unconscious creator. The people that fall into the latter category will have a naturally unhappy disposition. Unconscious creators have a propensity for feeling victimised, if not by someone in their circle, then by life, or an ‘all powerful’ government or ‘higher power’.
It’s no coincidence that an enemy that is ‘all powerful’ offers us no option but to render us powerless so that much of our power must be spent fighting the enemy outside of us, instead of perhaps acknowledging the enemy that is within. Unconscious creators unknowingly manifest their own unhappiness.

Conscious creator: The business of being less matter and more frequency!
To become a conscious creator means choosing a timeline that empowers and serves you, this is the essence of being a conscious creator. There’s a tendency for human beings to focus on their current reality, and whilst current reality is real, one must ask themselves if it serves them? When it doesn’t, it’s time to suspend your disbelief, engage your imagination and choose a reality that does. Like the analogy of Neo at the end of The Matrix, it’s time to start seeing through the illusory, allusive nature of reality so that you can experience true freedom and personal power.

The Role of the Conscious Creator in Quantum Physics Timeline Jumping: Are We Active Participants?
This is one of various realities that exist, we are multidimensional beings and we live in a universe that accommodates a plethora of realities. If you can think a thing, then it exists. This concept is also consistent with the theory that time is not linear as we once presumed. Scientists are now beginning to catch on to the illusory nature of time as a linear concept. Time is happening simultaneously and everything, past, present and future is happening right now. According to quantum physicists, everything that ever has been and ever will be is happening right now.
The biggest problem many of us face is in not realising that there are realities being created in each moment and with every choice we make. We are more powerful than we allow ourselves to experience. We overlook the potential to unlock and activate new heights and possibilities in human evolution. We are not courageous enough to dare to go beyond preconceived thoughts and notions by quantum jumping into new timelines.
Mindset Mastery: Overcoming Limiting Beliefs and Cultivating a Positive Mindset

We are choosing who we are, we are literally creating ourselves, we are creating our limiting beliefs, our realities, our worlds, we are creators. We are magical unlimited beings, our only true limitations are within our imaginations. We look at our creations and scream no at them, we scream stop, we feel strong emotions towards them not understanding that we are birthing our nightmares. We are dreaming this dream called life!
Suspend your disbelief
Suspend your disbelief for a moment and let’s pretend that we are creating our whole reality, let’s suppose this were true for a while. Let’s pause all of our preconceived beliefs, all our conditioning for a while. What would you decide? What would you let go of? What would you let yourself have? What would you let the world have? Let’s imagine for a moment that there was no such thing as the concept of good and evil and that reality was unity consciousness! What ideas about the world might you drop? What frequency might you start to unlock?
Biologically wired for survival

We are biologically wired for self preservation, these survival instincts trace back to our early human predecessors who had to survive natural predators which put human beings lower on the food chain. For sentient organisms, pain and fear are integral parts of this mechanism.
When we are observing other people’s creations, it influences our survival instincts, we fear the same fate that we are observing so to stop this from becoming our reality we protest against it. In the process of observing, pushing against, resisting and offering strong emotions to the very things we do not want, we invite the frequency of it into our lives.
When we become aware that we are creating our own reality it may be easy become dismissive of unconscious creators and those who are not responsible for their creations. Though we have begun to come in touch with our cosmic nature, it’s crucial to remain humane by practicing compassion for the suffering and pain that other beings are unconsciously creating. We mustn’t fall into the trap of being so far removed that we forget our less conscious roots. That said, it’s important to remain detached by not empathising in such a way that we become embroiled in other peoples dramas.
It’s safe to conclude most people are not consciously choosing to experience suffering. If they were aware of their part in their suffering, it’s safe to assume that many people would choose a different outcome. Very often though people suffer because they have forged their identity around the suffering and they have no idea who they would be without it!
When we are feeling weak, or vulnerable, we inevitably fall into a victim mentality and blame the circumstances outside of us. We find it absurd that we could on some unconscious level have chosen our suffering.

What if we could push beyond our boundaries and dared ourselves to relinquish reality as we know it. The reason why many of us do not yet experience our full potential is because our limiting belief systems wont allow us to lose sight of the shore and sail beyond the horizon of the known to experience and co-create an uncharted destiny. We are multidimensional beings and too often we are suppressing our multidimensional nature to delay the understanding of all that we are and all that we could be.