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How to stop fearing and trust life again!

When you have a past that is riddled with chaos, insecurity and fear the prospect of creating a brighter future can feel intimidating. There is a certain security that comes from the familiar, no matter how bad that comfort zone may be. There can be such apprehension about creating a brighter future that we may find ourselves subconsciously sabotaging any attempts. The tactic is you can ‘t be disappointed if you have not let yourself hope! There’s a sense of control which comes from living in your comfort zone despite how dismal that zone may be. The idea that we can stop fearing and learn to trust life again makes us uncomfortable.

Stop fearing and learn to trust

If your past was filled with drama, betrayals, insecurities and such, it can be scary to trust life again! And that’s putting it mildly. Believing in life can be positively terrifying! We can be haunted by the residual and psychological terror of times gone wrong. It may be safer not expect too much from life or people.

In this state of hopelessness we are under the influence of fear and our bodies contract. As our bodies contract so do our lives. Life is always responding to our frequency, when we are contracted we are tuned into Fear Fm and life will ultimately deliver this broadcast. This gets particularly hairy when you’ve had a turbulent childhood and its ingrained in us. The experiences that we tend to attract are further confirmation of why we should continue to distrust in order to keep ourselves safe. This makes it so much more difficult to stop fearing and learn to trust life.

One of the bravest transitions a person can make is choosing to let go of fear and trusting that perhaps life can be hopeful. It’s so much safer to stay contracted and convince ourselves that hope is futile and for the naive. It is so much easier to pledge that we are realists. We can be so sure that reality is fixed and has nothing to do with our personality… personal ~ reality!


We may even have convinced ourselves that life is out to get us and that we shouldn’t stop fearing or learn to trust again. Or if your faith in life is really broken, the fear can be so much that we may fear that if we trust too much perhaps the sky may fall down on us. There’s a certain amount of time that a person living in this vibration of fear needs in order to repair and heal.

If you fall into this category, be compassionate with yourself as you lick your wounds. As cliche as this may sound, everything happend for a reason. Maybe your brand of pain was necessary for the gift that you have to offer others who are in a similar pattern as the one you are in.


What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger… never a truer cliche spoken! When you get to a point where you trust that each and every ‘fail’ is pushing you closer to your true path, then you my friend, have reached a dangerously powerful level of alignment! This kind of alignment makes your path look effortless. You may find yourself in a position whereby people wonder how does she do it?

Or more accurately, why does she make it seem so easy? And maybe you are not so sure how yourself, but you do know that you have been doing your inner work! You have been being brutally honest with yourself. You have not been offering your pain sweet lies, instead you have fed yourself a steady diet of tough love, compassion and honesty.


You would’ve chosen self awareness over dishonesty. When you are hungry for growth, you will do what is necessary to facilitate that growth, even if that means being brutally honest with yourself. There’s a magical thing that takes place when you are motivated by authenticity… the universe joins you in co-creation. You are sending a strong signal to the universe that you are committed to and ready for change.

Faith has been given a bad rap and religion has its territorial paws all over it. It can take some time to discern that faith is not exclusive to religion. Faith is bigger than religion. Faith is a simple yet potent blend of hope and trust in things working out, a knowing that something bigger than us is behind the wheel. There is an subtle distinction between faith and blind naivety.

Relax – nothing is under control

Much like this subheading, life is an oxymoron. There is a freedom that can comes from understanding that whilst we are co-creating reality, the final cut will be decided by our higher-self and the universe. When we learn to relax and trust the universe in the creative process we start to experience the mystical. The universe is our co-creative colleague and it will not be micromanaged, try collaborating with it instead and watch the miracles unfold.


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