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Listen to your intuition – it knows the way!

When you are guided by your intuition, there’s an inner confidence and trust inside of you that is born. You start seeing the interconnectedness in events that were formerly isolated and disconnected. Clear your mind, get still and listen in. But what does all that even mean? It means to start trusting your inner sat na!.

We are all built with an internal compass that is tuned into your higher self. Your higher self always knows the way, even when the lower self becomes lost. Learning to let go of control when you’ve been used to micromanaging every area of your takes a lot of courage. Listening to your intuition requires surrendering and faith in something higher and wiser than yourself. Ironically the very thing that you are effectively placing your faith in, is in actuality you… the higher you!

Inner Wisdom

Humans have a very destructive habit of assigning our power over to some leader, messiah, guru, teacher, religious leader etc and in this sense we have trained ourselves out of listening to our inner knowing. Their is an inner nod that you can feel when you are on track with your highest most aligned path. The more that you trust and learn to listen to the inner nod, the more personal power you build and the stronger that guidance becomes.

Your emotions are excellent navigational tools when they are balanced and not denied. Embracing our emotions multicoloured rainbow is key to understanding ourselves. The deeper we are able to dig into our shadow self is the higher and lighter vibrational heights we are able to reach.

The Value of Intuition

Intuition is a powerful and often overlooked aspect of decision-making. It is that gut feeling, that inner voice, that guides us when logic and reason fall short. In today’s fast-paced and data-driven world, intuition can be seen as a soft skill, but its value should not be underestimated.

In many situations, intuition plays a crucial role in making quick and effective decisions. Whether it’s in business, relationships, or personal growth, our intuitive sense can provide valuable insights and help us navigate complex situations.

Intuition allows us to tap into our subconscious knowledge and experiences, giving us a deeper understanding of the world around us. It helps us make connections that may not be immediately obvious and consider factors beyond what can be measured or quantified.

Whilst some may argue that it’s important that intuition should not be relied upon blindly, I would argue that the opposite is true. It should be balanced with critical thinking and analysis to ensure well-rounded decision-making, however some inner knowings don’t always make sense at first but eventually they become clearer later.

Cultivating our intuition requires practice and self-awareness. Taking the time to reflect on our instincts, listening to our inner voice without judgment or bias, can help strengthen this innate ability. Trusting ourselves and embracing the power of intuition can lead to greater clarity, creativity, and ultimately more fulfilling outcomes.

So let’s honor our intuition as a valuable tool in navigating life’s challenges. By embracing this intuitive guidance, we can make decisions with compassion, wisdom, and authenticity.


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