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Advanced Self-Awareness: Stop Sleeping On the Magic of Knowing Thyself!


The Oxford dictionary definition of self-awareness is having a conscious awareness of one’s character and feelings, which I believe sums it up quite nicely, but lets explore this definition a little deeper.

There are so many people going through life without a modicum of self-awareness and to be quite frank I just don’t know how one does life without it. To go through life without self-awareness is like raw-dogging life. 

Self-awareness is like the magic carpet  of the inner world. It will take you to your peaks and valleys, it will take you into your nooks and crannies! 

Having self-awareness can be  thought of as the space suit of your inner-verse (inner universe). I say this because it literally gives you the conditions necessary to explore inner space. 

When you start to think of your inner world as a whole unexplored universe, I want you to build a visceral picture of exactly how unique, how textured and how rich the inner world is. 

Without self-awareness we only coast through life operating as a surface level version of ourselves and miss the beautiful landscapes that exist within.  Self-awareness is like the pilot of the inner world. 

What are the benefits of self-awareness?

Self-awareness will assist you in every area of your development because having this quality  will help you to build emotional intelligence. It is especially beneficial to areas for creating:

  • Enhanced relationships: Developing self-awareness can lead to better communication and deeper connections with others.
  • Professional development:  It can help you develop success in your professional career/business
  •  Assertiveness: you can become aware of  where your boundaries are
  • Improved emotional intelligence: Understanding your own emotions and how they impact others
  • Better decision-making: Being aware of your values, goals, and strengths can help you make more informed choices.
  • Increased self-confidence: Knowing who you are and what you stand for boosts confidence levels.
  • Growth mindset: Embracing challenges and being open to feedback becomes easier with self-awareness.

When you are self-aware you are in the optimal position to navigate emotional depths and develop the tools to build healthy self esteem and self worth. This helps you to build your emotional resources which is what those who are caught in co-dependent patterns of relating tend to lack.

When you are not self-reflecting you are merely going through life on autopilot and you are not free!  

Freedom comes from making conscious decisions about the direction that you want to take in life. When you lack self-awareness you are making choices that are tethered to programmed responses. 

Is self-awareness a skill?

To put it simply self-awareness is the ability to observe, your thoughts, actions and emotions objectively. It is a valuable skill to have because too often people get swept up, overwhelmed and bogged down by their emotions and this inhibits them from being able to problem solve in ways that empower them.

When a person is blinded by their emotions, they lose their ability to be balanced and measured in their ability to assess themselves, others and any situations they may find themselves in.

Self awareness is the ability to stand in your power and think about your response. It gives you the opportunity to be responsive and not simply reactive.

To have the gift of self awareness is to know yourself. It is the ability to know others without the temptation to project your own emotionally-driven interpretations onto them.

What it means to have self-awareness?

When you know your strengths and weaknesses you are empowered full stop this is the way that self-awareness can positively impact your personal development.  Just as important as it is to know your strengths, it’s equally as important to know your limitations.


When you can use your self knowledge as a way to empower yourself as opposed to put yourself down you are empowered. 

Take for example a person may be very conscious of their limitation aka weakness, but if this is not balanced with an awareness of their strength this can negatively impact their self worth.

Another example is somebody who is hyper aware of their strengths but does not take into  account their limitations or is not aware of them,  this will lead to feelings of frustration as they may find themselves tripping over the same pitfalls and  prohibiting themselves from making progress in their personal development.

 By understanding your emotions both positive and negative you are armed with an invaluable asset.

A self-aware person is able to recognise patterns and triggers and even prevent emotions that cause them to project onto others. 

You are able to move through life mindfully, conscious of where you end and another begins.  Being self-aware helps you to see others for who they are and therefore, love others as they are. When you are not self aware very often you do not see others, you merely see yourself projected onto others. 

How do I practice self-awareness? Practical Tips and Techniques

Building self awareness is a marathon and not a sprint.  

  • Something you may want to be aware of is that there are going to be parts of our self that are hidden in our blind spots. Whilst you’re building self-awareness it is very important to have people in your circle whom you trust and who have a good grasp of their own processes so that they can reflect back to you areas of yourself that you are not privy to. 
  • Some people may find it better to use a trained counsellor or psychiatrist as they are trained to remain objective and we’ll allow you to get a clear picture of yourself and will need interfere with your processes but inserting themselves into the narrative
  • Keep a journal.  journaling will allow you to see yourself objectively.  as it is you assessing yourself it’s so easy to become subjective and this is where the beauty of journaling comes in.
  • Shadow work is a term coined by the father of psychoanalysis himself Carl Jung.  Shadow work sounds scary and can be as it puts you face to face with any trauma  you may be carrying.  shadow work is the act of going into the parts of your self that you have repressed and hidden in the shadow and bringing the light of your awareness to the shadowy less socially acceptable parts of your self. The reward for doing your shadow work  is personal power, self-awareness,  renewed vitality and unveiling gifts that you were not aware that you had.

The road less traveled..

  • I personally found plant medicine to be instrumental to developing self-awareness.  It’s no surprise that people sensationalise plant medicine as being ten years of therapy in one night.  It requires you to work very deeply with your shadows and then after the ceremony the real homework begins which is known as integration.  This method is not for everyone as it’s very intense but I swear by it. As a side-note, it’s important that I mention, plant medicine is not legal in many countries and so check with your countries laws about using this method as may require you to fly to a country with more relaxed laws about using this alternative healing modality
  • Meditation is a trade and true way to build self-awareness.  If you can get passed the monkey mind and calm your storms and sit with your shit, meditation can be a great way to explore your inner-verse (inner universe).

Embrace the Journey to Self-Discovery and Harness the Power of Self-Awareness

In conclusion, embracing the journey to self-discovery and harnessing the power of self-awareness can have a profound impact on our personal and professional lives. By taking the time to understand ourselves better, we can make more informed decisions, set realistic goals, and build stronger relationships.

Self-discovery is not always easy or comfortable. It requires us to confront our fears, insecurities, and past experiences. However, by facing these challenges head-on, we can uncover our true passions, values, and strengths.

Once we have a clear understanding of who we are and what drives us, we can align our actions with our authentic selves. This self-awareness allows us to make choices that are in line with our values and goals.

Harnessing the power of self-awareness also enables us to navigate challenges more effectively. We become better equipped to manage stress, handle conflicts with grace, and adapt to change. Additionally, self-awareness helps us recognize patterns of behaviour that may be holding us back from reaching our full potential.

Ultimately, the journey to self-discovery is ongoing. It requires continuous reflection and growth. By embracing this journey and nurturing our self-awareness, we open ourselves up to a world of possibilities and opportunities for personal fulfilment and success.


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