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What is the ‘False Light’? How to Understand the Deceptive Facade

spotlight on the false light. Demonic looking woman with red eyes

What is the False light and why is it important to understand it?

Lets put it this way:

The false light is like the pied piper of spirituality. In fact it is often an organised group with a purpose to use psychological manipulation to lead truth-seekers astray. It is usually headed by a powerful leader that uses tactics to isolate truthers using ideological or fantastical ways of thinking.

They masterfully lead seekers away from their true north node (or higher self) by appealing to your cosmic curiosity and desire for esoteric wisdom. False teachers take advantage of people’s pain points and captivate audiences using brainwashing techniques.

Its objective is clear: service-to-self instead of service-to-others! False teaching use your quest for the truth as a pretext to deceive you, amass fortune, and cement its hold over you!

Beware of the False light!

So how can you be certain that you aren’t hearing from those who are spiritually misleading others?

This post will discuss the subtle tactics of false teachings and provide some examples of agents of disinformation.

Introduction to False Light Spirituality: Understanding the Deceptive Facade

Spiritual deception can talk a good game. The information may appear novel, fringe or otherworldly. Its teachings contain bits of genuine truth, which are subsequently weaponized to entice truth-seekers. 

People have a preference for their own truths, a specific taste for a subjective truth and it is our sovereign right to choose what we focus on and thereby create in our reality. But some people superimpose their realities on other people, claiming to be correct while others are incorrect..

These “profound” truths are still very much filtered through the individuals subjective reality and has very little to do with objective truth. 

The way that the false light operates is by discrediting your current reality and substituting it with its own creation. By painting a picture of false enlightenment, false spiritual gurus are elevated.

Kenneth Copeland – charlatan or authentic preacher?

False light spiritual guides, leaders, mentors, gurus, religion and cults are built on the back of flattery. It’s like yeast in bread. By promising false enlightenment, telling people they’re ascending, from another star constellation, or special children of god, their following grows. 

The harmful effects of  deceptive spiritual teaching is building their worldview through the lens of the egoic personality matrix. This becomes a monster with an image to protect and a barrier to discerning true spirituality. 

Red flags in spirituality are teachings that lead to conflicts, hostility, violence or in the most extreme cases, death. These themes arise as a need to defend the egoic viewpoint. 

Avoiding deceptive or dogmatic practices leads to organic, authentic spiritual growth. 

How to know if guidance is a false or pure light source? 

You will know the source by its fruit. Let’s take a look at this quote by Jesus which speaks of spiritual deception:

Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? So, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit. A healthy tree cannot bear diseased fruit, nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit.

false light, picture of wild wolf

You will know the source of the knowledge because of what it inspires in you. 

Does it inspire division, hostility, discontent or love? 

Through complexities born in the mind matrix, you can lose sight of inner wisdom and your own divine guidance. 

The thing is all entities need consent to feed on you. You give them consent unknowingly through various ways such as praising different gods or beings

 Genuine spiritual practices

As simplified is it sounds, an absence of love is a redflag that the guidance is not pure light. Mindful spirituality is life affirming and leaves freedom for authenticity and exploration in spirituality.

  1. Love does not announce or puff itself up, love welcomes, supports and encourages.
  1. Love doesn’t bully, abuse, browbeat or judge, it encourages, inspires and uplifts
  1. Love does not muzzle the rights of others who hold different points of views. It doesn’t suppress the sovereignty of another to dismiss the guidance altogether
  1. Love does not assume for itself, the rights of others to choose for themselves. Even if the guidance seems very compelling
  1. Love is gentle, calm, remains humble and respects the rights of others to choose their own novel and unique path free from guilt, shame and judgement
  1. It does not force its will on others, or discount or downplay another person’s sovereignty and in its humility, it requests an audience, it doesn’t demand it
  1. It is not radical, it is fair, balanced and nuanced
  1. It doesn’t stand as an authority over another to govern their own spiritual experience. It respects the divinity of another and does not trespass where it isn’t wanted (overstep boundaries)

If you worship gurus, teachers, rabbis, priests, priestesses, preachers or even “higher esoteric knowledge” then you’re probably susceptible to the false light’s tactics. Something is happening in us for sure but avoid getting so cocky and thinking you are more elevated than those other unenlightened guys. 

Wetiko: The Virus of the Mind

There is a psychic virus that the native americans call Wetiko.

Wetiko induces in us a proclivity to see the source of our own pathology outside of ourselves—existing in “the other.” Wetiko feeds off of polarisation and fear—and terror—of “the other.” 

false light, picture of a wolf from little red riding hood, looks scary

Seeing the world through a wetiko-inspired lens of separation/otherness enlivens what Jung calls “the God of Terror who dwells in the human soul,” and simultaneously plays itself out both within our soul and in the world at large. Wetiko subversively turns our “genius” for reality-creation against us in such a way that we become bewitched by the projective tendencies of our own mind.

Falling under wetiko’s spell, we become entranced by our own intrinsic gifts and talents for dreaming up our world in a way that not only doesn’t serve us, but rather is put at the service of wetiko (whose agenda is contrary to our own). 

Our creativity then boomerangs against us such that we hypnotise ourselves with our creative genius, which cripples our evolutionary potential. 

To the extent we are unconsciously possessed by the spirit of wetiko, it is as if a psychic tapeworm or parasite has taken over our brain and tricked us. 

We are its host. We are feeding into the belief that we’re empowering ourselves while we are actually nourishing the parasite (a process which will ultimately kill its host—us).

Source – Wetiko in a Nutshell

The Dangers of Embracing False Light Teachings: How It Hinders True Spiritual Growth

It’s easy to spot these false teachers once you see their tricks. They use rinse and repeat tactics to stir up strong feelings of separation from others, perpetuating the illusion of duality. Strong emotions keep a psychic link connected. Lessen the charge, lessen the link. 

false light, picture of woman's energy field whilst meditating

Rat poison is made up of 1% poison and 99% food. Just enough to kill the rat. Some of it is true. That’s the catch. On the site, energetic synthesis, there’s tons of tools for self help, self improvement and emotional healing. That’s how you’re hooked into believing this is a place of spiritual growth and healing.

Somebody that is on the path of awakening may’ve been through experiences where they were vulnerable and came across an experience they didn’t like. When they come across a source (such as their fears are validated. The false light identifies a seeker’s pain points and then exploits it. 

Example of Cult Mentaility & Deceptive Teachings

A common theme that we hear echoed on the path of spiritual awakening is non judgement. While this message is true, it is important to be discerning so that you can protect yourself from any attempts to derail your spiritual growth. 

It’s common for seekers of truth to start their path into spirituality with a naive expectation that all ‘truthers’ are created equal. You may come in green expecting that all that glitters, in the spiritual community, is gold. However sometimes the source of your misguidance can be disguised as salvation.

Ascension glossary

Take for example the Ascension Glossary. This site is managed by Lisa Renee and looks like an online encyclopaedia that mimics the wikipedia site. It was designed with an intent to appeal to your quest for esoteric knowledge and desire for clarity on your path to spiritual maturation.  

false light, spider weaving a web

The website publishes channelled findings which forms the basis for what is considered “specialised” information! Channelled info can not be challenged or verified. Furthermore in order to understand the convoluted concepts and jargon that are used, you have to defer to the rest of the site. 

There is very little information elsewhere about the concepts that are presented. Even when you find other publishes discusing similar themes, you will notice that much of the information was influenced by the subjects presented in the ascension glossary.

This is a form of brainwashing and shows the same practices as that of a cult!

On the surface it appears that you are getting novel esoteric, fringe, information that has not yet been rolled out for the rest of humanity. 

Listen to your intution

However, if you are tuned into your own guidance you will check into the wisdom of the gut. Allow yourself to question whether the site is a pure light source or a disinformation page. 

By allowing yourself to question what is being filtered through the mind matrix, you become more discerning, and can allow yourself to question if you are being decieved by a disinformation agent. 

false light, intuition, picture of woman in nature praying
false light, intuition, picture of woman in nature praying

The moment we start idolising something we lower our guards and we can be deceived. The goal of the false light is to infiltrate the community of people who are on the awakening path. 

Falsehoods guide suggestible minds down futile paths hijacking humanity’s most powerful resource, the fertile imagination. In fact they can use your own creative potential to create timelines in reality to serve their own agendas. 

The false deception targets newbies but can also compromise people who already have a level of spiritual maturity. It does this by targeting their insecurities and pain points which act as a point for entry for its manipulation. 

A message that stood out for me on my spiritual journey 

I was brought up as a Roman Catholic but something about the teachings never resonated. Perhaps on a unconscious level I understood the futility of turning to a source outside of myself for my divinity. Around my late teens I found myself gravitating towards Buddhism. 

false light and the saviour comlex, picture of Christ the Redeemer
Christ the Redeemer: The false light and the saviour complex

I had always been enamoured by wisdom and one day in an ornate Thai Buddhist temple, I heard words that struck me to my core. I’m paraphrasing Buddha now, but the saying was something along the lines of; “Look within for the answers”.

That message was a defining moment on my spiritual journey, because I finally felt connected to a teaching I could trust. It was a principle that would eventually lead to real spiritual nourishment. 

What many people do not consider is that the new age community has also been infiltrated with mistruths and misguidance and as such, even the ‘awakened’  can be led away from their true “north node”.

Energy that does not come from pure light may cause confusion and apprehension. It will evoke feelings of anxiety, anger or hatred instead of invoking a sense of stillness, calm or peace. 

A true and qualified teacher will you where to to look but not what to see. A teacher leading from integrity will point you to look within for the answers and will not encourage dependence on them.

What about when there’s no anxiety or agitation? 

In other instances the false light is unconscious or unaware of its own misguidance. A person with good intentions can become compromised by the very false light that they warn others of. In this state of Wetiko they are unaware of the ways that they are perpetuating this parasitic virus. 

There have been people in positions of spiritual leadership, in present times as well as the past who have followed paths of service believing them to be authorised by the true light, but in truth where only partly authorised. The other part was misguided and led by dogma, ego and false light teachings. 

Leading with love

A person in service to spirit must lean heavily into a deeply rooted humility in order to recognise the path of truth with clarity. They must be attuned to the rights, sovereignty and unique path of the souls that cross their path. 

false light teachings, picture of attractive black woman praying with incense in her hands

A true teacher will recognise the essential nature of love on all levels spiritual and divine, in order to refrain from trespassing over the sovereign rights of others. Without this a person believes themselves to be ‘right’ and is led by ego and feels justified in being pious, righteous or judgemental”. 

A seeker should feel into the quality and vibration of discernment as compared to judgement. Noticing the subtle but vast difference between the two will help you not fall into false light traps.

Interfering with a person’s freedom or forcing a decree, judgement or opinion on others because you are compelled by your perception of truth, and what appears correct, can leave a person vulnerable to false guidance and offset their own true path of light. 

The story of the 10 blind men and the elephant illustrates the deceptive nature of a closed, judgmental or dogmatic worldview

To Understand Truth Embrace Different Perspectives

The story of 10 Blind men

A group of blind men heard that a strange animal, called an elephant, had been brought to the town, but none of them were aware of its shape and form. 

Out of curiosity, they said: “We must inspect and know it by touch, of which we are capable”. So, they sought it out, and when they found it they groped about it. 

silhouette of an elephant, tale of ten blind men

The first person, whose hand landed on the trunk, said, “This being is like a thick snake”. For another one whose hand reached its ear, it seemed like a kind of fan. 

As for another person, whose hand was upon its leg, said, the elephant is a pillar like a tree-trunk. The blind man who placed his hand upon its side said the elephant, “is a wall”. Another who felt its tail, described it as a rope. 

The last felt its tusk, stating the elephant is that which is hard, smooth and like a spear.

The moral of the parable is that humans have a tendency to claim absolute truth based on their limited, subjective experience as they ignore other people’s limited, subjective experiences which may be equally true.[1][2] The parable originated in the ancient Indian subcontinent, from where it has been widely diffused. Source: Wikipedia

In this way arrogance, self righteousness, judgement, dogma and ego can be recognised as seductive qualities, when not checked by humility will lead a person astray through the belief that “they are right”!

How to Use Discernment: Recognizing and Avoiding False Light Traps

Unironically, most conscious people are aware that the bible holds a plethora of mistruths, but are aware that deeply profound truths are also embedded in the scriptures. Such is also true of the nature of false light.

false light, picture of red hair woman laying on the floor staring into the camera with blue eyes

As you awaken from fear and density and begin to walk your spiritual path, it’s important to be discerning of the activities that the false light engages in. 

People progressing on the spiritual path may want to make it a high priority to learn how to discern what they choose to include in their spiritual experience. 

There’s a necessity to discern what guidance to follow by listening within and following true embodied wisdom and changing directions when your choices do not fully align. 

Part of spiritual maturity involves trusting yourself and feeling into what feels right and what just feels ‘off’. It’s of paramount importance to feel into the quality of the spiritual teachings devoid of the filter of the mind matrix. 

Maintain your sovereignty by changing directions when something feels ‘off’. Check in with yourself and practise spiritual discernment. 

Through daily meditation and connecting with your Higher Self you will learn discernment. Your lifestyle also plays a role. Certain lifestyle choices will open doors for attack. Once you have established a solid connection with your Higher Self you will be able to see through all deception.

The truth is that the clarity that you seek is within you. Collectivism doesn’t work in spiritualism. It literally just clicks one day. It’s realised and communicated nonverbally and comes from learning to trust in your own divine guidance.

Pure light always remains enthroned by unconditional love as it stays married to unity consciousness through recognition of itself in the other. 

Spiritual, Uncategorized

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